Security Culture Report Analysis Center

KnowBe4’s Security Culture Benchmarking Analysis Center provides a comprehensive analysis of security culture benchmarking data by industry, organizational size and geographical region. It uncovers how security measures affect organizations and the way employees act and feel at work.

Use this analysis center to understand how your organization compares to other organizations within your industry or geographical region.

Security Culture Methodology

Understand the security culture score by geographical region and by individual countries. The security culture score evaluates an organization’s security culture across seven dimensions

Security Culture Score Grading

  • 90 to 100 Excellent
  • 80 to 89 Good
  • 70 to 79 Moderate
  • 60 to 69 Mediocre
  • 0 to 59 Poor

The Seven Dimensions

  • Attitudes
  • Behavior
  • Cognition
  • Communication
  • Compliance
  • Norms
  • Responsibility

Global Security Culture Scores

Security Culture Scores By Industry

Understand which industries and organizations have the best, and worst, security culture scores


Seven Dimension Scores By Industry

Understand how individual industries score across the seven dimensions that comprise security culture

  • Attitudes: The feelings and beliefs that employees have toward the security protocols and issues.
  • Behaviors: The actions and activities of employees that have direct or indirect impact on the security of the organization.
  • Cognition: Employees’ understanding, knowledge and awareness of security issues and activities.
  • Compliance: The knowledge of written security policies and the extent that employees follow them.
  • Norms: The knowledge of and adherence to unwritten rules of conduct in the organization.
  • Responsibilities: How employees perceive their role as a critical factor in sustaining or endangering the security of the organization.